I was the first copywriter hire at Mashable Studios—the creative agency within Mashable that makes video and all types of branded content.
Sometimes I write editorial content about books and pop culture, too.
Here's a little bit of my work from the past few months.
I wrote a bunch of branded content to help promote Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele's film Keanu. Check out the entire series here.
To show the Troy Bilt Flex's capabilities, we challenged two professional stadium turf managers to create emoji art using an outfield as their canvas. Full story here.
To show that travel isn't all about documenting your experience on social media, we partnered with Cathay Pacific to ask people what they would do with One Day Offline. Then we brought people from around the world to upstate New York to live their digital detox dreams. Full story here.
We asked our readers to tweet about their love of technology. Then we got Good Old War to write a song using language from those tweets. They performed the song on a Manhattan rooftop, and all the footage was captured using Qualcomm's SnapDragon technology. Check out a story on the project here.
We worked with the MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth to bring a literal elevator to the 2015 Mashable Social Good Summit, and encouraged attendees to give a 60-second pitch about how their organization can and will help end poverty. Full series here.
To promote the premiere of the new TBS comed Wrecked (essentially a LOST parody), we "stranded" comedian Marina Franklin on an island after a press junket, and used Facebook Live to document her stay. Viewers chimed in with questions for her to answer each of the 10 consecutive days of live filming. You can check out some of the videos and articles here.
There's a new kind of consumer that MasterCard has dubbed the "Omnishopper." They use technology to track down variety and deals. I wrote this business-to-business explainer for retailers.
We worked with Absolut on an awareness video about the brand's Absolut Elyx Water Truck—which went on tour in late 2015. For every premium copper booze-filled pineapple sold, Absolut paid for a month's supply of safe water for someone in need.
We worked with Bravo and some of the Real Housewives on a video series wherein they recite some "shower thoughts" we'd written. Some of them come from my #scottsquotes personal project. Yes, I know the execution is pretty whack. Sorry about that.